Snow height - ultra sonic sensor

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Parameter to be measured:

Snow height


Ultra sonic sensor


Ultra sonic distance sensor: e.g. Campbell Scientific SR50

Logger: Campbell recommend their loggers. But it can be connected to other loggers, e.g. a DL2E from Delta-T


  • Continous measurement


  • Expensive
  • While the sensor itself without control electronic is cheap (about 10$ for robotics) connecting it to a logger requires quite some knowledge about digital electronics and programming. The signal from the sensor is usually a puls with a length proportional to the distance. Therefore, the more expensive (about 1000$) sensors from scientific instrumentation companies are usually used


Starting a measuring cicle in the SR50 from the DL2E was difficult, because the pulse generated in the DL2E was too long. In the end a solution using a micro controller was found.


Projects that used the above equipment

  • Starting a measuring cicle in the SR50 from the DL2E was difficult, because the pulse generated in the DL2E was too long. In the end a solution using a micro controller was found.


Projects that used the above equipment

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